I know, I know-this sounds like it's going to be a pity-party all around. A ten paragraph rant about how much being me sucks. It's not though. I'm doing the best I can to approach this from a serious and intellectual stance. So why do people hate us? Why do I of all people find the some transgender people off-putting against my better judgement? Why is our society so violently opposed to what it is that we are?
Allow me to propose that perhaps it is perfectly natural for us to view transgenderism as "unnatural". This sounds like the creed of the far right, but it's not. I'm not saying that this is right, only that it is correct. Darwin teaches us that due to the incredibly slow and deliberate process of natural selection, there is virtually no case of a genetic trait that is not beneficial (or at least not harmful) proliferating. As a very vague rule, if something is not beneficial to the species, over the course of hundreds of thousands of years it will no longer exist. While evolution is not intelligent, it does seem almost smart enough to make up for it's snails pace.
Now, let me propose something else: that patriarchy falls under this umbrella of traits that are hypothetically beneficial to the survival of our species. Human women are generally not as strong as human men. This isn't really that noticeable a difference in our world today; Worth in today's world is not measured by physical prowess, but by mental ability. However, before a few hundred thousand years ago, physical strength was undoubtedly a very important asset as we had not yet developed the means to compensate for a lack in it. In the world of the early homo-sapain, the female was not as able as the man. It was in her best interest and that of her species to stay away from harm and have children. Our minds and our roles in the world have evolved a great deal since then, but I believe it is no mistake that almost every human civilization has been male dominated-perhaps we are predisposed to be sexist because it was, for a long time, beneficial.
When I say sexism is natural, I don't mean that it's right or good of course. Murder, rape, incest, brutality, inequality, sickness and primal impulsive actions are all "perfectly natural", but of course they are not something we want anything to do with. Sexism used to be perfectly justified in the prehistoric past, and we're just trying to make up for our natures so that hopefully, the empowerment and happiness of the individual can take precedent over the archaic and anachronistic instincts that have kept us in a stone-age mentality.
Because of all this, gender plays a huge role in the way we treat one another. And violation of this innate code seems unnatural to us. In my research, there have only been two reactions to a violation of the gender binary thorough pre-contemporary history: "This is unnatural, we must kill it" (more common, I'm afraid) and "This is unnatural, it must be a gift from god" (The two-spirts, the Hijra caste in better times, the palace eunuchs...). Obviously, it's nothing that interesting; probably just a flux in en-vitro hormone levels. We're put off by transgender people who blatantly combine strong male and strong female traits. My theory is that we aren't put off by a woman with a short haircut in a well pressed suit because there is subtlety involved-but a number of people would find a nude picture of Buck Angel quite off-putting. On the other end of the spectrum, it's Andrej Pejek vs Money Python drag acts: subtlety versus blatant clashing.
We find it unnatural. I hate myself for saying it, but it's true. Most people find the idea of transgenderism to be unnatural. Unnatural is not the same thing as wrong, but that's not the point. We've always treated anything we couldn't explain with hostility-it's just compensation. I think that we might just be pre-disposed on a biological level to be put off by people like myself. Does that mean hate is justified? Of course not. But I am almost sure that "our" reaction to people like myself is innate-just a though.
So what do we do? What do we do to get past the years of social conditioning and innate revulsion if you have a problem?
You get the fuck over it, because it's not your god damn business! I'm happy enough being the person I am, and I would appreciate it if people would stop caring for once! I'm happy, you can go over there and be happy, and we can both get on with our lives.