Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Make a Statement

Firstly, I would like to thank the minority of people who have come to this blog with an actual interest in what I have to say.  I would also like to thank (though to a lesser extent) the number of thoughtless radicalist biggots who have made this place their playground-Three hundred visitors in half a week is no mean accomplishment for a blog that is less than a week old.  Regardless, as a very large bit of my faith in humanity has been crushed in the past few days, I think it's only right for me to address this issue.

A friend of mine, who I will keep anonymous for the sake of their privacy mentioned to me a few days ago that an incredibly offensive and senseless radical "feminist" site had left this person feeling quite upset...sensitivities aside, this site is absolutely horrible.  Not only is it biggoted, but also senseless, poorly written, and lacking in even the most basic informed points.  If you are reading this, I encourage you to tell the writer of this blog just what you think...

Anyways, I visited this site with the intention to reason with these people (in hindsight, time would be better served wrestling a ten foot grizzly bear), and left a level-headed message that would have probably been met aggressively but not with the sheer hostility I faced based on account of a clumsy mistake I made...you see, I had recently retired my newer personal email following a personal crisis that mandated I discontinue that email address, and instead used my old email address from a few years ago, which is under my former name...I still use it for registering things, old accounts, basically anything that could result in spam.  Well, within a few seconds, I received a response, refusing to recognize as anything but male, and calling me a liar.  After responding by explaining why I was using said email address (with one exception however-I did skirt around the trans bit, these people are not the nicest bunch) I received a huge backlash, ranging from the occasional well-said point to wild accusations that I was a rapist, mentally challenged, autistic, a gay MALE, a prick, a liar, ugly, stupid, and a number of other really crude comments.

I was not initially too bothered by this-but then, a poster who only identified as "anonymous" managed to post most of my entire public digital footprint-everything-facebook pictures, this blog, my linkedin account-everything in a manner of seconds.  From there, things went from ugly to really ugly, as I was berated.  I left the site, but a decent number of readers managed to find their way to my site...and began to post very nasty comments.  If you want to check it out yourself, go to the entry titled "on passing"-for those of you who want to feel angry right this moment, here are a few of the highlights:

"But we'll see. I do have a few friends at Purchase. Have fun at school!" 

"PS-I'm sorry about your dick" 

"You think you are in control?"

Just for you.  (this one is a link)

"Don't call yourself female. That is just stupid, and it is an insult to those of us who are actually female."
"I feel sorry for you because you couldn't hack it as a man and chose instead to claim to be female."

"You are not a feminist. You are a delusional male who tries to pass himself off as a woman. Don't believe me? Look in your pants!"

"Or maybe people do humor you, calling you "miss" or whatever to your face, and then laughing about the effeminate guy after you've left. Have you ever considered that, or does your delusion prevent you from critical thought?"

"you were lying on that blog about being a female... once the link to your FB profile and photo were posted, there was no doubt at all!"

A very pleasant woman, yes?  Apart from her stalking and the fact that I have repeatedly asked her to cease and desist, she has continued to post offensive video clips, rude statements, and other nasty nuggets of hate.  I was slightly flattered to find out that one of the most notorious enemies of the trans* community has decided to attack me personally!  

Cathy Brennan (often writing under the name bugbrennan) is a radical among radicals.  Her exploits include Outing teenage transgender people to their schools, holocaust denial (the link to which she has removed), Bringing the full wrath of the FBI down on anyone who does not share her views, and  creating this artistic masterpiece.  Very pleasant, no?  Ms. Brennan refuses to back up her arguments with any facts, instead preferring to make broad blanked statements, and eventually resorting to bashing other people's character.  Despite being a registered attorney in the state of Maryland, she repeatedly stalks and then publishes vast amounts of personal information-while no such provision against this exists at this time, were I under eighteen she could face a year in prison.  

I think it's time we take the fight to her-if you are reading this, I implore you to call 410-336-9857, and let her know that we have had enough-tell your friends to do the same.  This woman is a cancer, trying to destroy everything we stand for (and, might I add, being quite petty, as the average 40-something attorney has better things to do with their time).  Cathy Brennan cannot continue to attack people this way-let's let her know that.


  1. Who is the creepy-looking guy in the photo?

  2. The one with the crude puppet? That's Cathy Brennen (ironically enough, she spent the better part of two days trying to persuade me that I am a creepy-looking guy). Pleasant woman, no?

  3. That's a woman??? Ewwwwww!!!!!!!

    She has a lot of nerve going after trans women the way she does, while trying so hard to look like a man herself. She doesn't even have breasts (or she binds them).

    I think I understand now. She's a failed FTM, and like so many who fail in their transition, she is down on everyone who is succeeding!

  4. You have me feeling bad that I blocked her, I wish she could read that. She could use a jolt of reality, she spends so much time denying it.

  5. Dude! Regardless of your opinion on Cathy Brennan's appearance, she is still most definitely a woman, something that you can never be.

  6. Gender is appirences-that's the whole point of all of this. Gender is the categorical separation of human beings based on visible physical traits, and other, nonphysical stereotyped ones such as actions. If someone looks like a man, talks like a man, dresses like a man-as per society's of gender, they ARE a man. My not actually identifying as a binary female aside, if people SEE me as female, (which they do) and know me as female (which they do) then whatever is under my clothing doesn't mean shit.

  7. Hi Lisa,

    I am so sorry to hear that you have been subject to such trans*phobic hatred. You must have experienced a whole range of emotions: shock, sadness, anger, fear, an invasion of privacy... I am deeply saddened that such aggressive bullying of the trans* community continues. I am a cisgender feminist, and am disappointed that people such as Brennan tarnish the feminist community.

    As a woman, it is more than obvious to me (and fortunately most people I have the pleasure of meeting) that trans* women ARE women. I know of women who have transitioned and do not regard themselves as trans*, and I know women who are proud of, and embrace, their trans* identity. All our women, and all should be welcomed in feminism with open arms. If we WERE to draw comparisons between trans* women and cisgender women, which I don't necessarily invite, it becomes obvious that regardless of our birth sex we share the same issues: we are objectified, we are more likely to be victims of assault, we are mocked, we are discriminated against in employment, and so on. I openly embrace all trans* women into the feminist movement, as ours is a shared voice.

    I do not think that the negative comments so far on this entry about Brennan's appearance is helpful here. That fights hatred with hatred, and as women we understand the pain of all-too-frequently being scrutinised on our appearances. Let us not fall to the same low standards of misogynists and trans*phobic people alike.

    Your blog is eloquent and articulate, and I am so delighted your self-worth has not been jeopardised in such ruthless bullying. We know from copious research, however, that many of the trans* community are not as strong as you, and the suicide rates reported of trans* people is simply horrific. I can only hope the likes of Brennan et al realise the error of their brutality sooner rather than later before it costs a life.

    Best wishes, your blog has been a pleasure to read.

    1. Anonymous (the non-biggoted, great one),

      Thank you so, so, so much. I really needed to hear that. You're right-falling to their level is never right (but it can be so fun!)

      Honestly, this has actually been really great for me. My blog has gotten more than six hundred and fifty views in it's first week. These pigs should not get to anyone...people, especially trans* people will always be healthier if they can learn to let this sort of thing go. At some point, you just need to disengage-I've stopped responding to these people.

      Glad you like what I have to say-it's great to hear that somebody is actually reading this. When I started, I thought I would be lucky to get thirty views. Thank you-the world needs more people like yourself.


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