I thought I would post about something a bit...lighter. I know this is super long, but hey, it's a pretty extensive topic.
Passing becomes an elusive master to many transgender people. When I first decided to transition, I promised myself that if I could not pass for female, I would not even bother to transition. This was incredibly short-sighted of me, both because passing can be overrated and because I can pass with relitive ease, I have been very lucky both for my mace and the voice training learned in the theatre. Passing becomes the first goal for a lot of younger transgender people-before we consider surgery, sometimes before we even take hormones, we try to pass. Transgender women often have an easier time then trans men initially, though the tables turn pretty quickly as testosterone takes effect. Among people who transition at an older age, things become much more complicated, and the truth is that some people will never be able to escape their genetics. This list is by no means exclusive, but all of these things are worth being aware of. Also, while I fully support trans-masuline people, I would be more qualified to perform minor surgery (top surgery anyone?) then to offer any advice to them.
1. Passing is not Everything
Transgender people often view passing as the holy grail of transness. There are entire archives of meticulous instructions out there-Susan's Place is a hub among MtF transsexuals, and has several books worth of advice. Most of it, you should ignore. Thanks to them, I was under the impression for a long, long time that as per the rules, I had to have electrolysis done before I could even present as female. Period. No matter what. That I needed to take voice lessons (more on that later)! The fact is, passing is not the world-and in my opinion, there are better goals to peruse. I have met stealth T-girls who look perfectly passable, but then, they also looked like librarians. I have also met people who I could clearly tell were trans*, yet were absolutely stunning; if you don't believe me, look up the name Andrej Pejek-clearly androgynous looking rather then just female, but beautiful. Once I started trying to make my face look good, rather then female, passing came naturally. And please, I don't want to hear about beauty culture on my blog, I am an artist, and I love beauty in all of it's forms, and if you can see something great in a mirror, that empowers you, not the white men I am so often told are responsible. Or, if you're like me, you can just decide that you'd rather just be you then any specific idea of gender. Its your call, just be aware.
2. You're wearing that?
If you are a transgender woman, and you are finding yourself unable to pass, you might want to take a good look at your wardrobe. Older trans* people, especially MtF transsexuals often have a hard time dressing in a way that works for them, and I understand why-these are people who have spent their entire life with a single picture in their head, a floral print dress, and they have wanted that dress for thirty years, and now, they finally can buy it. The problem is that nobody wears floral print dresses anymore. These people tend to dress like what thy think a woman would wear, rather then actually what most women do put on every morning. A great exercise is to go out and just look at what people are wearing (I still do it all the time in new york city, but more for fashion reasons). If you're living on the same planet as I am, you'll see that most women wear slim skirts, blue jenes, tank tops, jackets and flats. The world has changed, and the classic images of female and male no longer exist in the same stark contrast they used to.
It's very ironic that I can pass one hundred percent of the time if I wear masculine clothing, i.e. pants, button down shirts, with very light makeup, but if I were to wear a classic dress and red lipstick, I would out myself in seconds. If passing is really your priority, try something more subtle. Many older trans women try way to hard to be female, and in the end just end up looking silly. But a fashion forward, sensible girl who knows what clothes work for her body type, and never shows chest? Passes like a dream. The point I'm trying to make is that feminine is not the same thing as female, and if someone wants to pass, they should just look and see what women are actually wearing, and then find something that works for them.
3. Styling
When it comes to makeup, there are two mistakes that trans* women tend to make-first, there are the careless ones. Without experience or any idea what to do (youtube is great for learning this sort of thing) powder their faces, smear on black eyeliner, and then cover their faces in white powder before smearing red lipstick all over their face. The fact is that even if you do pass while wearing this sort of makeup, people will think you are losing it. My advice is this-learn how to do something that works for you before going out in makeup. Look at videos online, and if you have the money, go to a store like sephora (it's almost all gay men working there, don't worry, they were absolutely wonderful to me) and figure out what makeup you are going to wear. Light foundation is good to have, along with a subtle blush that will allow you to take advantage of your best features while making others seem less prominent. I might do a post on contouring later, but in a nutshell, you use two shades of foundation, one lighter and one darker. The lighter shade makes a feature look larger, and a darker one makes it seem smaller (if you apply the darker to the sides of your nose for instance, it will look shorter). Just watch and learn.
The other school of error is one that I fell into for a time, in part due to the fact that even before I was Lisa, I would do makeup for drag queens. A drag queen is not a woman, she is a caricature of a woman, like a bobble head or Liberace. If you wear the thick, strong and heavily contoured makeup of a drag queen, you will look like a drag queen even if you are totally passable. Look up Wendy Ho. I was certain that she was the best drag queen I had ever seen until I realized that she was actually a cis woman in heavy makeup and ten inch heels. More is rarely better if passing is your goal. On a side note, wearing a wig can often do more harm then good, and making short hair work can really help you until you grow it out. Of course, if you are like me and your hair is so thick that a relaxer won't even hold for more than a few weeks, short might be the only way to go.
4. Listen to Lilly Allen
This has nothing to do with passing, but everybody should listen to Lilly Allen. She's great!
5. The Voice
Apart from clothing, this is the most crucial element-the fact is that if you are hell bent on passing, your voice could be the first thing to fail. No matter what your face looks like, a male voice will out you in seconds. If you are anything like me, you will need find a way to overcome what puberty took from you. There are speech programs out there, and surgeries, but the fact is that with a little effort, you can get your voice to where you want it in a matter of months. The first thing to be aware of is that we are not trying to actually use a different voice-no falsetto, no lispy silky soft attempts, and no hard edged nasal whining. My voice is perfectly passable, and I found it in two stages. The first thing I did was learn to talk like Kurt Hummel from the show Glee-I know, but I was fifteen, can you blame me? You must be saying to yourself "but he is a HE"! Yes, this is male voice, but it will get your range you need. Try and rase the pitch of your voice, first by one third, then by another, until you have reached a point where you are able to enter the female registry without sounding whispery or nasal. The voice you are trying to find is sweet and affectionate, it lies right in between your breathy chest voice and your nasal whine. Try speaking sweetly-you want it to sound effortless and natural. If you have been going at it for a few months, you should be able to make it feel pretty comfortable.
Step two involves going down again. I know what you're thinking-female voices are high, you want a high voice. I have found that it is far easier to make a passable voice on the lower end of what is accepted as female. Most speech therapists will try and insist you go as high as you possibly can, and find where your voice catches, but I have found that this produces a voice that is a monotone, as it eliminates all of your range. It's the same reason why I am able to sing a male part while passing for female, but not a female part-a real female voice as a lot of range, and that range will make or break you. What you want to do is find the highest starting pitch that will allow you to early reach up another third when speaking. The fact is, this works. It's simple, easy, and it works. Not only do I pass over the phone-I am able to sing as a convincing female, if a deep voiced one. Embrace the fact that your voice is going to be a lower one, and you will sound like a woman who is speaking in a low voice, not a man speaking in a high one.
PS-you will lose your voice quite easily (i.e. don't yell), though it will always recover if you rest it for a day or so.
6. Relax
Don't TRY be female...just be yourself, try to keep these things in mind, and eventually they will just become second nature-and that is exactly what you want. I may have let go of passing (though I do still pass) in the name of a more fluid identity, but if it is really important, work at it and don't sweat. The last thing you want is to need to put effort into all of this.
Well, all these comments are just you mansplainin' what a "woman" you are. Don't kid yourself, dude, you're not passing. Even before Gallus posted your email, it was obvious from your words that you are male. Your picture is clearly male, and I'll give 100 to 1 odds that you don't sound female, either. Chris Colfer aside, males can't get their voices into the range of pitch and timbre that women have--regardless of any "training".
ReplyDeleteAnd as for being rapey, you might consider your "gloved finger" comment. Or the fact that you posted Brennan's phone no. with the suggestion that people, presumably trans, call and harass her.
One last thing: before you criticize GallusMag's brilliant blog, spend a little time correcting the myriad spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors in your own narcissistic writing.
"Chris Colfer aside, males can't get their voices into the range of pitch and timbre that women have--regardless of any "training"."
DeleteI beg to differ.
A. Actually, my writing is quite good, thank you. The numerous different people who have read it with the exception your crowd all seem to think it's very well done apart from the occasional stray comma.
ReplyDeleteB. These comments are the backlash of a long and protracted conversation with an exceptionally closed minded person which ultimately resulted in me blocking her as spam...Quite sorry, but I must have forgotten to take these down as well.
C. For somebody who wants to do away with gender stereotypes, you sure seem pretty keen in proving that my writing is "male" despite the fact that your dear friend Gallus sounds even more masculine than I do in writing.
D. If that flame war your friend Brennan instigated with me was still present, you would realize that this topic has already been covered: I do pass, most of the time. And for the record, my voice IS within female range-all it takes is a little discipline.
Finally-If your friend is able to repeatedly use word like "tranny" to describe every person under the sun who does not share her ideas about gender, then you will allow me the occasional obscenity. You are trivializing rape. Furthermore, Brennan left her phone number and address listed in the comments section of another post, and I was simply sharing what she had already made public. If you are not aware of your friends track record, then I suggest you look around-Brennan has done far worse then give out phone numbers-outing children, giving out home addresses, and having feminist rallies (she disagrees with) arrested.
And one more thing-if that cesspit of word-vomit that you call a blog is considered anything close to brilliant in the opinion of anyone besides her and her readers, I will personally hold a catered ceremony to morn the passing of my last bit of faith in humanity.
A. Cathy Brennan is not my friend; I have merely read some of her writing.
DeleteB. GallusMag is not my friend, though I do enjoy and comment on her blog.
C. If you have to mansplain how great your writing is, despite its numerous errors (much more than just a stray comma), you're demonstrating that it cannot stand on its own, and exhibiting your narcissism as well.
D. Gallus' writing doesn't sound remotely male, and her blog truly is brilliant.
E. What are you, 19? You're just a little boy who thinks he knows everything, as little boys always do, and you're having a temper tantrum so the grownups will let you have your way. Well, it's not happening, bud. You're not a girl, you don't look like a girl, and I still aver you don't sound like a girl.
F. And oh yeah, you're a liar.
Well, this is all subjective, so I guess I can't blame you for being wrong, just poorly informed...If we are going to attack each other for errors, then you might want to re-read E.
DeleteYou can't even pretend to know me, or how informed I am about anything, suffice to say I am not in any sense uneducated. I am not having a temper tantrum, far from it, I am trying to have a rational discussion against a viewpoint that is not really all the rational in my mind.
And face it-if ranting against everything you hate is "brilliant", then you must be a big fan of Fox News. If you're going to keep at this, stop making things up and insulting me. It's rude.
Oh yeah, I forgot:
DeleteG. The fact that you don't get the rapey-ness of the examples I gave you is just more evidence of your maleness. Especially as you use the classic rapey male rationalization--she was asking for it/she made me do it.
You're a violent, creepy, delusional little boy. Your face is not feminine, your hair is not feminine, your long bony arms are not feminine, and what I can see of your "figure" is certainly not feminine. You look like a little gay boy--and there's nothing at all wrong with that. You want to wear women's clothes and makeup? Great! Go to it! Be the boy that's uniquely you. Just don't claim to be a woman, and don't invade our spaces. Carve out your own space in the world.
I am a butch dyke who wears men's clothing and does not look remotely feminine. I am often called "sir" and referred to with masculine pronouns. Do I lapse into hysterics and cry all night because of it? I do not. I make my own way in the world and don't give a good goddam what anybody else has to say about it.
Grow up, boy. It's time to stop playing pretend.
What about E do you think is wrong? And btw, to grieve is to mourn, not morn.
DeleteI am done caring that you think of me as male. First of all, I am not gay (well, I guess I am gay but not in the way you suggested), not by a long shot. I’ve always liked girls, not as sex objects or anything like that; it just felt natural for me, and I my girlfriend and I are very happy. I spent more years than I care to count as a feminine man (or boy I guess) who wore feminine clothing and makeup-I still felt uncomfortable. I felt uncomfortable with my body, I felt uncomfortable with my name, I felt very uncomfortable every time I heard the word “he”, and ever since I’ve gotten used to living as female, I have not been uncomfortable; I have been happy, and It is not your place or anyone else’s to tell me that I cannot be happy.
You are right that I am pretty young-I am still in college-but that does not mean that I have no understanding of these issues. I am a feminist-I believe that all genders are entitled to the same place in the world. But I cannot possibly comprehend how I am “rapey”, I just can’t. I would never, ever, ever so much as considering having non-consensual sex with anyone, female or male. Disagreeing with a feminist, believing that I am right does not make me a rapist. I am not a rapist; I just think that you are wrong. I do not think that you should not be entitled to your opinion, why do you think I am bothering to respond in the first place? I do not hate feminism, or women, or whatever it is you claim-I dislike radicalism, and I strongly dislike people who demand other people live their lives in a certain way.
You talk about making your own way in the world, adopting your own identity, and that is what I have been doing these past few years. I decided that I would allow myself to be whoever I wanted to be. As it turns out, that person is a genderqueer female, and I am proud of it. I’m not here to whine about it. It is true that I was distressed for a long time over my identity, and how it would be perceived, but I got over it, I grew up. I am raising my voice for what I believe in. Everyone, even people who are trans* or gender variant deserve the right to live the way they want too. We are not hurting anyone. We are not here with any greater purpose then to be ourselves.
You can call me male all you like, but it will not change the fact that this is who I am and this is who I am living my life as. It doesn’t hurt anyone in a meaningful way, and I don’t care if I am ruffling anyone’s feathers just by being myself. I am entitled to the same rights to exist as anyone else, to exist as myself. You ask me to just accept that I am male-but I can’t. I can’t because that wouldn’t be true to who I am. This is not a hobby, not a fun excursion or an experiment. I have had to make sacrifices, the same sort of sacrifices that a young gay woman would have had to make forty years ago-but I made them because to me, it was worth it. My happiness is worth it.
I understand that you have strong feelings about men. I understand that. I think that many people have a very good reason to feel that way, and I even find myself feeling that way occasionally (you think not having male privilege is bad? Try first giving it up and then spending a day as somebody who is lucky not to be called an “it”). You are right that I do not know what it feels like to grow up as a girl, to be told what I want and what my future can be. But you have not experienced what I have-the adamant knowledge that your body is just wrong, the years of wincing every time I heard the word “he”, the constant fear that one day, someone with feelings much more aggressive than yours will attempt to murder you without any provocation. I am happy being who I am, and you make it sound like you are happy being who you are. I respect that. I don’t think that this argument is going to go anywhere. I think we should respectfully disagree. I accept that your viewpoint exists and has a reason behind it, even If I do not agree with it. I hope you can do the same.
Lisa K
I am a transsexual, and I hope that you won't take this the wrong way, but you are an embarrassment. You and all of the other hetero crossdressers who claim to be transgendered. You are not trans anything. You are a straight dude who gets off on pretending to be a woman. I have seen nothing in your words to make me feel otherwise.
DeleteIf you were the woman that you claim to be, then you would understand the objections of feminists, and why they would feel uncomfortable sharing the ladies room and other female-only facilities with hetero male crossdressers. Personally I'm not too thrilled with the idea either.
Know what makes things worse? That you crossdressing men claim to be just like us, and so it is I and others like myself who experience the backlash that you men cause!
Every actual transsexual woman understand that there are certain things we must do, before we can even hope to be considered to be women, and we do those things. But then people like you don't feel the need to do such things... you just put on women's clothes, some makeup, and then proclaim yourselves to be female. That isn't how it works.
Stop it. Just stop it.
I identify as female, plain and simple. You can't tell me that I haven't taken any steps because I have. I have been taking hormones for a substantial amount of time and dealt with some nasty side effects, gone through the trouble of changing my legal name and gender marker and working two jobs along with all the work I do as a student all so that I might be able to have surgery if I can ever find the time.
DeleteI understand that some women feel uncomfortable sharing the restrooms with people like us, really, I do (I tend to avoid public restrooms for that very reason-hypotheticaly ,we should be able to, but I don't) but for me, waiting until I had enough money to go through with a full physical transition was not an option. It would have been great to have everything done nice and neatly, and then just start anew, but life doesn't work that way. I have very little support from my family. I am a full-time student during the year, and I work in the summer to pay for housing...For me, waiting to present as female, and for social transition was not an option.
Please, don't tell me what I am, though I'm happy to tell you more if you'll actually listen to me. I happen to date women, that does not mean that I am not transgender. Biological woman can like women. So can we. I happen to present with a more masculine image because it feels more natural for me-so can biological woman. Before my hair was the legenth it is now, I spent years growing it out...I wish I could say that I never had to go through all of this trouble, but I did. Surgery does not make us all that we are.
I know that all of this arguing does nothing to help the trans community, I know that, but it would be wrong for me to not say anything at all-I'm under pretty heavy fire, and I'm called "man" every second. Please, don't tell me I am not transgender. I might not use the label transsexual because it does not feel right, but do not tell me that I have not done anything. This article is what I would have wanted to know when I was first contemplating transition. Of course there is much more to consider, but just because I haven't yet been able to pay for surgery does not mean that I am a cross-dressing man...
Please, don't judge my book by its cover...If I've made the wrong impression, let me make amends.
I do not think you should not be happy. I do think you should not try to force yourself on women by claiming to be one of us; that's rapey.
DeleteDon't talk about what a gay woman went through 40 years ago. You don't know; you weren't there. I was. I have also reacted to being called "he". I just don't get all histrionic about it.
You can keep on calling yourself a woman ad infinitum--it won't make it true. I can call myself an offensive lineman for the Washington Redskins (I even have a jersey, and I cut my hair real short), but that doesn't make it so.
Just face facts, boy. We women are far more likely to be victims of violence than you will ever be. Stop whining about the mean ol' radfems, and be the boy you truly are.
Thank you for your very insightful critique of my intellect. While I do not think it is fair for me to be the judge, I am usually quite articulate with my words.
ReplyDeleteIn case you have not bothered to read the comment right above yours, I WAS arguing with someone-an exceptionally unpleasant woman named Cathy Brennan...and after her fifth dick joke, I marked her as spam, neglecting to remove my own pieces of the argument-not the smartest thing I've ever done, but I had a long day, so you'll excuse me.
Oh I see now. You were arguing with Cathy Brennan, and she was making dick jokes, but no one could see her comments but you. Makes perfect sense.
ReplyDeleteYes, I was. If somebody was degrading you on your website, you would block them as well. While the brunt of our conversation is now gone, there are a few choice bits mentioned in the entry titled "Make a Statement
ReplyDelete" I spent more years than I care to count as a feminine man (or boy I guess) who wore feminine clothing and makeup-I still felt uncomfortable. I felt uncomfortable with my body, I felt uncomfortable with my name, I felt very uncomfortable every time I heard the word “he”, and ever since I’ve gotten used to living as female, I have not been uncomfortable; I have been happy, and It is not your place or anyone else’s to tell me that I cannot be happy."
ReplyDeletePlease be happy!
You're welcome.
This trick of being happy will be MUCH easier if you understand that your "feelings"--comfort, discomfort, whatever--do not necessarily reflect objective reality.
Dont let the Lesbimen trolls bother you.
ReplyDeleteFInally...I thought that reason had abandoned the human race...or are you talking about me? Because if you are, it's not trolling if you're on your own blog...if you're not, then never mind I said that.
DeleteYou just made my day...me being a gay (trans) female aside, you hit it right on the head.
DeletePS-love your blog
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteTo Farish
ReplyDelete"I do think you should not try to force yourself on women by claiming to be one of us; that's rapey."
Rapey? What a stupid term to try and shame someone with. Someone who's done you no harm. Comparing a gender identity to rape. Your partner really stuck with you 18 years and you are that much of an idiot ? She must be on valium all day long.
"Don't talk about what a gay woman went through 40 years ago."
I see, you own the market on human empathy. Screw you! I wasn't at Auschwitz but I feel for the survivors. Stop being a total asshole.
"You can keep on calling yourself a woman ad infinitum--it won't make it true."
So can you dude.
"We women are far more likely to be victims of violence than you will ever be."
Yeah we hear cigar smoking bull dykes like yourself are just what rapists want. Transgenders are 16x more likely to be murdered.
Sally and I are just fine, thanks. But I won't be stepping through your twanz-cwazy looking-glass to try to argue with you. My hope for you, Darlie/David/Daniel/whoever, is that you find the courage to live as whatever kind of boy you want to be, as is your right. I'm sorry for you and "Lisa"--you both seem so full of self-hate that it slops over onto us women. And maybe, if you're incredibly lucky, you'll find the kind of lasting love that I've been blessed with.
"Sally and I are just fine, thanks."
ReplyDeleteOh I doubt Sally is fine Mr Farish! The pity is already flowing for her. 18 years of a mysogonyst Lesbiman prick like you makes her a saint.
"But I won't be stepping through your twanz-cwazy looking-glass to try to argue with you."
"My hope for you, Darlie/David/Daniel/whoeve . . .r,"
Even a goddamned child could do better research then you bow legged John Wayne Lesbiman truck driveling lumberjacks! Oh don't worry , I wont be googling you the way you did me when I transitioned in from of 7000 people. Sorry you couldn't find a painful handle for your hate knife. Get your girlfriend to do it for you.
" . . is that you find the courage to live as whatever kind of boy you want to"
As do we with you ! Pull your boobs out of your belt, shave your mustache into a big handlebar and step out of your fake female closet!
"you both seem so full of self-hate that it slops over onto us women."
MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND! ARE WE SELF LOVING FETISHISTS OR SELF HATING GAY MEN YOU MORON?! Jesus , do I have o carry both sides of the argument for you ?! Lazy Lesbiman. No wonder your community is poor!
"And maybe, if you're incredibly lucky, you'll find the kind of lasting love that I've been blessed with."
Nothings better than the insincere, hate filled wishes of a muscle bound hypocrite. I'll tell my boyfriend that you jerk. Like white supremacists you keep playing the same card from the wrong deck. Pathetic. Welcome to a forum you don't control you coward.
ReplyDelete" The fact that you don't get the rapey-ness of the examples I gave you is just more evidence of your maleness. "
Oh please, the one trick card comes out. Arguing with you means 1) "you are male", 2) "you aren't socialized female", 3) "you had male privilege" or any one of he little catch phrases on the Lesbimen list.
Jesus, until you can argue beyond Lesbiman talking points just STFU!
"You look like a little gay boy--"
Says the man dyke.
"You want to wear women's clothes and makeup? Great! Go to it!"
Permission granted by Sly Stallone , what could be better?
"I am a butch dyke who wears men's clothing and does not look remotely feminine. I am often called "sir" and referred to with masculine pronouns. Do I lapse into hysterics and cry all night because of it?"
Yes! You came on here crying you were a woman. If you weren't a jello bowl of insecurity you wouldn't have to. I crept you as a man already.
"I make my own way in the world and don't give a good goddam what anybody else has to say about it."
As do I but I'm pretty sick of your hate filled bullying my sisters.
"Grow up, boy. It's time to stop playing pretend."
Be an example Mr Farish, not a hypocrite.
DeleteWhile I do agree with your cause, your idea, I was wondering if I could ask you to just tone down the discourse a little? Most of what you are saying is great, but I am basically lesbian myself, and most of the time, we aren't that bad. The problem isn't even lesbianism, the problem is extreme radical feminism...I love what you're saying, but I know you are better than they are, and some of what you've said could seem slightly homophobic to the wrong sort of people. I want you to be taken seriously, and I want to prove to these feminazis (finally, a legitimate use for that word) that we are above them-fight fire with water. Anyhow, thanks a bunch for your support. Keep it up.
Lisa K
Wow. Just wow. So much ignorant hate you can't shake a stick at it. Take a xanax or 10 and see if you can come up with a comment that isn't all name-calling and insults. Are you twying to hurt my feewings?
ReplyDeleteMy main points are that people born with penises are male, and they should be able to be any kind of male they want to be. The ignorant ranting you've been doing is a perfect example of male rapey-ness I've mentioned before.
You read my profile page--impressive! I don't get what you mean by my googling you; I haven't. Just called you by the various names mentioned on Gallus' blog. You must have been pretty nasty for her to block you.
I truly do hope you and "Lisa" find people who love you the way my Sally loves me. I don't deserve it, but that's what makes it all the more wonderful. I mean this sincerely. For you, Darlie, etc., perhaps it would help rid you of some hate and bitterness. I truly hope so.
I won't be back. This isn't interesting anymore. Lisa, your blog was better off without this vitriol.
Won't be back? How sad, especially after you told Gallus that you were having such a jolly time here. But hey, we understand. Doxxing trans women is oh so much fun, but it's not so much fun when the tables are turned and it happens to you. Hell I was just getting warmed up!
DeleteAnd Farish, I wouldn't talk too much about "ignorant hate" if I were you. After all, it was you who came here to Lisa's blog and called her a man, and rapey, and had such a "jolly time" doing it. Nothing, and I do mean NOTHING was fired at you until you came here and attacked Lisa and Darlie.
But hey, if you can't stand the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen!
And with that, I think I will give it a break, and my apologies to Lisa K for invading her bog in order to deal with the riff raff. And to Unknown... I love, love, LOVE that term Lesbiman. It really sums up the trailer trash in the trans-obsessed radfem movement.
"My main points are that people born with penises are male"
ReplyDeleteYou apparently didn't need one to live as a man. My opinion is that you are a man from the core and that is just as valid.
"perfect example of male rapey-ness I've mentioned before."
Paste Lesbiman catch phrase here ___________.
"You read my profile page--impressive! "
Sorry,no. I read it here. I don't really care who you are. I don't need to know you boys to define me. Cant say the same can you.
" Just called you by the various names mentioned on Gallus' blog. "
Yeah, using mindless talking points you dont verify BECAUSE YOU ARE LAZY. That was a shock . Yawn!
"I truly do hope you and "Lisa" find people who love you the way my Sally loves me. "
Her love for you and your ignorance will remain a mystery to all womankind. Count it as an undeserved blessing. That being said thanks for the least sincere comment on the blog.
"I won't be back. This isn't interesting anymore. Lisa, your blog was better off without this vitriol."
It hasn't even started to get interesting yet. You wont be back because it is a fairly moderated forum where Lesbimen can't block peoples opinion. It will always fascinate me, the sheer hypocrisy of your reveling in the trendergender anitrans hate filled blog , then come here to pretend you are less hateful.
I don't wish you happiness, I wish you a human conscience. That you can't see your own reflection is natures greatest cruelty.
The Lesbimen definition goes live!