Friday, May 24, 2013

First Post

I've never really kept a blog before, but I've always wanted to, and there's no time like the present.

Let's start with myself:  My name is Lisa, and I'm Trans*.  I use the astrix because even after one and a half years presenting as female full time I can't say for sure what I am, only that it's really great and everyone should try it (kidding, but seriously, being comfortable is far more important then passing in my mind, and EVERYONE, male or female or other, has not lived until they've worn a fitted white three piece suit at least once.)

When I first figured out that I wanted to transition, I found myself faced with a conundrum-I have always seen myself as female, and as a male I was incredibly feminine, but as a female?  Not feminine at all.  I still like pants, printed shirts, and suits, and fitted leather jackets.  I cut my hair short, and I blush every time someone tells me that I look androgynous.  In one sense, I'm not "transgender", I simply do what I like and people happen to see me as a female born male.  I did however go through the years of burning desire to transition, and so in that respect, I am quite typical among transgender people.  At this point, I go by Lisa and "she" around everyone I know, and pass most all the time.  I'm beginning to adopt Genderqueer as a label for myself, but I try not to cling to it.  Labels have always defined who we see ourselves as, but they do more harm than good.  Once I stopped changing labels and just changing clothes, everything fell into place.  Janelle Monae has become my personal icon.


I am aspiring to be a professional costume designer for theatre and film (and for a college freshman I'm making some great progress).  I've come to realize that a career centered trans* person is a rare thing in todays world.  Theatre is a very open collective of people, and if you are a transgender professional, it is one of the best places to be.  So far, I have only done small community and summer stock shows, but things change.  Design suits me.  It combines the fulfillment of being an artist and the sheer fun of being a fashion designer with the rigor and depth encountered by a historian (and, if you play your cards right, a handsome paycheck).

I'll be posting regularly with my thoughts, feelings, and advice.  Feel free to comment on anything, and I'll get back as soon as I can; I'm open to most any questions and a reader wants some on-topic advice, I can give it.  Between my time working in a drag bar, my design experience, and my own gender situation, I know every passing trick in the book.  If you like esoteric and mildly sarcastic commentary on relevant issues written by a fashion forward MtFt? this is the place to be.

-Lisa K

PS-I know I sound a bit disorganized, but I'm just getting used to the blog format.  Most of what I am going to be writing is much tidier than this.

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